Storing and Retrieving Point

Aaron J Reichow reic0024 at
Thu Sep 27 20:58:24 UTC 2001

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Ken G. Brown wrote:

> I'm having trouble storing and retrieving Points. What am I doing wrong?
> pt _ Point new.
> pt _ 25 at 125.
> dict _ Dictionary new.
> dict at: 'first' put: #('text' pt).
> readPt _ ((dict at: 'first') at: 2). "readPt is now a Symbol"

readPt is now a symbol because it was stored as a symbol in #('text' pt).
What the #() array literal does is store things as symbols (hence the #)
unless the the element is a literal itself (e.g., numbers, strings).  To
get it to be stored as you expected, try this:

> dict at: 'first' put: #('text' pt).

> dict at: 'first' put: {'text' . pt}.
	-- or --
> dict at: 'first' put: Array with: 'text' with: pt.


  Aaron Reichow  ::  UMD ACM Pres  ::
  "A weed is just a plant whose virtures have not
                     yet been discovered."            :: r. w. emerson

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