Storing and Retrieving Point

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Fri Sep 28 01:21:56 UTC 2001

"Ken G. Brown" <kbrown at> wrote:
	I'm having trouble storing and retrieving Points.
	pt _ Point new.
	dict at: 'first' put: #('text' pt).

You are not having any trouble with points.  Think of "#" as being
like Lisp's "quote".  This is exactly equivalent to
    (setf (gethash "first" dict) (QUOTE #("text" pt)))
In Smalltalk terms:  #(...) is an array literal, in which everything
inside the () is implicitly quoted as if there were a # in front of
every element.

What you want is

	dict at: 'first' put: {'text'. pt}

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