installX11Fonts appears error message

Fedir V. Koshovyy Fedir.Koshovyy at
Wed Apr 3 16:49:05 UTC 2002

Dear Joern,
On среда 3 апреля 2002 г., 18:37:15 you wrote:

JE> So you do these three steps and you will have the fonts imported into your image.
JE> Beware: you will have lots of *.bdf and *.sf2 files in your Squeak directory after doing the first two steps.

Well, I done this steps and have got lots *.sf files in my Squeak
directory (all *.bdf files I have deleted).

Then I do BDFFontReader>>installX11Fonts and receive error masage.

This is extracts from my SqueakDebug.log
Error: subscript is out of bounds: 1
TextStyle class>>fontArray:
[] in BDFFontReader class>>installX11Fonts
BDFFontReader class>>installX11Fonts

Thanks for your answers.

Sincerely yours,
Fedir V. Koshovyy

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