Help! Character confusion?! A [BUG]?

Bob Arning arning at
Tue Apr 9 22:38:27 UTC 2002

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 23:00:07 +0100 "Sean Charles" <scharles at> wrote:
>I noticed that after calling String>>asHtml and previewing the *real* web
>browser page, the following characters came out incorrectly:
>123456 comes out as 123 superscripted, 456 as normal i.e.
>    123
>         456        sort of thing, and...
> comes out as abcd...x'y-accute'z.
>I have stared and stared at the code but it's all going fuzzy. Help please!
>The quick way to see the problems are to do a print-it on:
>'xyz' asHtml --> gives --> 'x&yacute;z'
>'123456' asHtml --> gives --> '&sup1;&sup2;&sup3;456'


It's a bug, IMHO. The same table is used to translate in both directions. Replacing '&yacute;' with 'y' may be reasonable. Replacing a 'y' with '&yacute;' isn't. Try the change below.


'From Squeak3.3alpha of 28 January 2002 [latest update: #4817] on 9 April 2002 at 6:35:10 pm'!

!String methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'RAA 4/9/2002 18:35'!
	"Do the basic character conversion for HTML.  Leave all original return 
	and tabs in place, so can conver back by simply removing bracked 
	things. 4/4/96 tk"
	| temp ignores |

	ignores _ Set new.
		addAll: '&';
		addAll: ($a to: $z);
		addAll: ($A to: $Z);
		addAll: ($0 to: $9).

	temp _ self copyReplaceAll: '&' with: '&amp;'.
	HtmlEntities keysAndValuesDo:
		[:entity :char |
		(ignores includes: char) ifFalse:
			[temp _ temp copyReplaceAll: char asString with: '&' , entity , ';']].
	temp _ temp copyReplaceAll: '	' with: '	<IMG SRC="tab.gif" ALT="    ">'.
	temp _ temp copyReplaceAll: '
' with: '
	^ temp

	'A<&>B' asHtml
"! !

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