[ANN] AspectS (0.4.1)

Robert Hirschfeld hirschfeld at windwardsolutions.com
Thu Apr 11 07:42:17 UTC 2002

AspectS 0.4.1

There is an updated version of AspectS (0.4.1).

Besides several small fixes and enhancements, there is a new 
example that illustrates how to use AspectS to introduce 
different perspectives on the system, depending on different 
contexts. The example implements the AspectS tool support, 
previously done via subclassing of existing browser and 
support classes, now as an additional layer on top of the 
browser and support classes. The tools aspect is, amongst 
other characteristics, sensitive to projects as its context:

To create a tools aspect instance:-

	aspect _ AsAspectToolsAspect new.

To install an aspect:-

	aspect install.

To make the tools aspect aware of a certain project:-

		aspect addProject: (Project named: 'Test').
		aspect addProject: Project current.

To make the tools aspect unaware of a certain project:-

		aspect removeProject: Project current.
		aspect removeProject: (Project named: 'Test').

To uninstall the aspect:-

	aspect uninstall.
	aspect _ nil.

The new version (a change set and pre-configured image) is available
at http://www.prakinf.tu-ilmenau.de/~hirsch/Projects/Squeak/AspectS/

Comments are welcome.


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