Control flow of looping

Tim Olson tim at
Sat Apr 13 14:08:33 UTC 2002

>Kamil Kukura <kamk at> writes:
>> Is it possible in loops such as "true-or-false whileTrue: [ block ]" do
>> the iteration repeat or break out similiar to 'break' and 'continue'
>> keywords in C?

Martin Drautzburg wrote some good advice about breaking methods up into 
smaller ones, and looking at the collection iteration methods 

But since Smalltalk control flow constructs are written in Smalltalk, it 
is definitely possible to create a breakable/continuable while loop 
control structure.

The following examples aren't recommended for actual use, just as 
examples of how you can extend Squeak's control flow constructs directly 
in Squeak.

One way is to create return and continue blocks which are passed in to 
the loop as arguments.
For example, adding the following two methods to the BlockContext class:


breakableWhileTrue: aBlock 
	| returnBlock |
	returnBlock := [:result | ^ result].
	self whileTrue: [self continuableWhileTrue: aBlock returnBlock: 

continuableWhileTrue: aBlock returnBlock: returnBlock
	| continueBlock |
	continueBlock := [^ self].
	^ aBlock value: returnBlock value: continueBlock


allows you to write loops like:

n := 0.
m := 0.
[n := n + 1. n < 50] breakableWhileTrue: [:return :continue |
	n > 10 ifTrue: [return value: m].
	n odd ifTrue: [continue value].
	m := m + 1].

Another way is to piggyback on the powerful exception handling 
capabilities exisiting in Squeak.  You can define two new Exception 
subclasses: LoopExit and LoopContinue.  Then add a new loop method to 

breakableWhileTrue: aBlock
self whileTrue:
	[[[aBlock value: LoopExit value: LoopContinue]
		on: LoopExit do: [:ex | ^ ex messageText]]
			on: LoopContinue do: []]

Then your loop would look like:

n := 0.
m := 0.
[n := n + 1. n < 50] breakableWhileTrue: [:return :continue |
	n > 10 ifTrue: [return signal: m].
	n odd ifTrue: [continue signal].
	m := m + 1]. 

     -- tim

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