Spreading Smalltalk

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Wed Apr 17 05:43:14 UTC 2002

cg at cdegroot.com (Cees de Groot) wrote:
	>2. Produce good reference docs by integrating some form of documentation
	>tools in the environment. 
	See PIE comment, above (I think I blabbered about documentation somewhere
	on this list earlier this year). Personally, I think we should first to
	strive to make documentation available inside Squeak in an optimal way
	(books, with all sorts of embedded Morphs) and only think about "legacy
	web access" later on. That'll probably provide the right mindset to do
	something really great in this area.
All of that stuff is cool, but it cannot compensate for the major
problem.  There is no point in having fancy tools to organise, present,
and navigate around documentation if the documentation is not _there_.
What we need is more text.  At the very least a class comment for
every class, even if it's just "You are not meant to use this class.".

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