Fwd: adding 'Open in new window' to Scamper

Jason Rogers jacaetevha at fast-mail.org
Thu Apr 18 14:30:16 UTC 2002


I am trying this again...  My first attempt to send came back with
errors from Mailman.  I hope you don't mind wading through the forward
tags here.

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 18:05:35 +0000, "Jason Rogers"
<jacaetevha at fast-mail.org> said:
> Newbie here...
> I wanted to add the capability to open a new Scamper window on a
> particular url, so I added the following (which is essentially the
> #jumpToNewUrl:
> openNewBrowserOnUrl
> 	"change to a new, user-specified page, in a new browser"
> 	| newUrl |
> 	newUrl _ FillInTheBlank request: 'url to visit' initialAnswer: currentUrl toText.
> 	(newUrl isNil or: [ newUrl isEmpty ]) ifTrue: [ 'browser:about' ].
> 	Scamper openOnUrl: newUrl.
> and changed the #menu:shifted to be:
> menu: menu shifted: shifted 
> 	"added 'back' and 'forward' menu options: Aibek 4/18/99"
> 	"added 'openNewBrowserOnUrl' menu to options: JasonRogers 04/17/02"
> 	| lines selections linePositions |
> 	lines _ 'back
> forward
> open in new browser
> new URL
> history
> view source
> inspect parse tree
> go to start page
> edit start page
> bookmark'.
> 	linePositions _ #(3 4 7 ).
> 	selections _ #(#back #forward #openNewBrowserOnUrl #jumpToNewUrl #displayHistory #viewSource #inspectParseTree #visitStartPage #editStartPage #bookmark ).
> 	downloadingProcess
> 		ifNotNil: 
> 			[lines _ lines , String cr , 'stop downloading'.
> 			linePositions _ linePositions , selections size asOrderedCollection.
> 			selections _ selections , #(#stopEverything )].
> 	menu
> 		labels: lines
> 		lines: linePositions
> 		selections: selections.
> 	^ menu
> I have a few questions:
> 1. How do I limit the Context menu to only show the
> 'openNewBrowserOnUrl' when hovering over a link?
> 2. When I am hovering over a link, how do I grab the URL that is under
> the link?
> I am not as interested in implementing #1 as I am #2.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks.
> =jason
> -- 
>   Jason Rogers
>   jacaetevha at fast-mail.org
  Jason Rogers
  jacaetevha at fast-mail.org

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