straw-man 3.2 default preferences

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at
Fri Apr 19 01:37:36 UTC 2002

Here for your slings and arrows is a list of possible default 
settings for preferences for 3.2.

These settings will not be identical to any one user's favored 
settings -- they certainly differ from *mine* in many places -- and 
equally certainly from Dan's, Alan's, and so forth.

Nor do these choices for default settings represent an attempt to let 
majority rule on each item.  The majority in our case are all people 
who mostly know what they want and how to set things up to have it 
their way, and since there clearly is no unanimity about anything, 
all of us will be customizing our images by setting our personal 
preferences shortly after downloading the new release.

Instead, hopefully we can arrive at a reasonable, clean, consistent 
initial look and feel that will provide an agreeable point of 
departure for new users, occasionally avoiding some powerful settings 
which carry some danger, or which bring premature complexity or 
clutter with them.

For many of the preferences, including most that have been added 
since 3.0, I have simply reproduced the existing default settings, 
and hope to receive corrections, complaints, advice, etc., 
particularly in areas with which I have little direct experience, 
such as the Celeste and Security settings, and especially from the 
people who originated or are closely associated with each Preference, 
regarding their out-of-box, um, preferences.


NOTE:  If you want to try these out in an image, file in the attached 
fileout.  It will save your current preference settings, then install 
the prospective new settings.  You can restore your pre-existing 
settings using the "Restore my Personal Preferences" button in the 
Preferences panel.

Included in the fileout is an example of a simple personal method 
that can be edited to suit personal taste (the version here suits 
*my* personal taste du jour,) and then used for transporting a set of 
personal Preference overrides from image to image.


Here is today's list of proposed out-of-box settings

(abbreviatedBrowserButtons false)
(allowCelesteTell true)
(alternativeBrowseIt false)
(alternativeScrollbarLook true)
(alternativeWindowLook true)
(annotationPanes false)
(areaFillsAreTolerant false)
(areaFillsAreVeryTolerant false)
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(celesteShowsAttachmentsFlag false)
(changeSetVersionNumbers true)
(checkForSlips true)
(checkForUnsavedProjects true)
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(warnAboutInsecureContent true)
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(warnIfNoSourcesFile true)

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