Call for Action! ...or "The Holy Crusade Against Empty Class Comments"

goran.hultgren at goran.hultgren at
Fri Apr 19 08:11:52 UTC 2002

"Duane Maxwell" <dmaxwell at> wrote:
> From: <goran.hultgren at>
> > Joern Eyrich <Joern.Eyrich at> wrote:
> > > Didn't Duane Maxwell build some infrastructure for collecting class
> comments?
> > >
> > > see
> >
> > Yes, I think he did and it looks nice. But it doesn't feed those
> > comments back to the image, does it? Hmmm. I am not sure I agree with
> > the "idea" of it. It would demand a net connection for one thing...
> Actually, I was not *requiring* a net connection any more than a Swiki
> would.

Well, what I meant was that the loop isn't "complete" yet. If I want to
see the comments on your site I need to surf there or have some
mechanism in the image which fetches the comment from there, which
wouldn't work if I was unconnected.

> The goal was to make it easy to collect and share class and method comments
> quickly - there's no restriction on feeding the entire database into an
> image for release.  Unlike a Swiki, sqdb stores the information in a
> structured form for easy consumption by automated tools.
> I already support multiple languages - there's an optional language tag on
> submissions.
> If there's anything anyone would like to see that might get something like
> this adopted, let me know, otherwise I'll shut it down and free the server
> for something else...

I think that would be a waste. Hmmm. How do we close the loop then?

Could you include some form of "checkbox" somewhere on each comment so
that harvesters could just go in, read some comments and if they/we
think they look like a nice improvement then we check them off and your
server bundles them all up in one single cs.gz that we could download
and mail to Dan (or whoever is in charge of receiving the harvested
bundles at the time). And then you would "mark" those comments as being
"HARVESTED" or something.

If you could fix something like this - or hey, perhaps even better: make
some easy way for harvesters to load one changeset from your site with
all NEW comments that you have on your site so we can browse those in
Squeak. Then we can do the gzipping/mailing from within Squeak instead.
As a harvester it's nice to be able to work from within Squeak.

Yes, if you "build that, we will come" I think :-). Do you agree with
me, you other harvesters?

And btw, is more a readonly thing right?

> -- Duane

regards, Göran

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