straw-man 3.2 default preferences

John Hinsley johnhinsley at
Thu Apr 25 22:37:21 UTC 2002

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Doug Way wrote:

> classicNewMorphMenu *false* if true, the full classic "New Morph" menu 
> will be put up when "new morph" is requested from the desktop menu; if 
> false, the nested menus are not offered in the "New Morph" menu, so the 
> user will need to use the Objects tool or the various flaps, or else the 
> "sample instance" feature in class-list and message-list menus, to 
> obtain new morphs

This is the only one I disagree with. Seems to me that having the
classicNewMorphMenu as true gives us a win win situation: people can use either
the objects tool/morph catalogue or the full menu. And can't we have just one
name for the objects tool?



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