Looking for auto completion widget

Stephan B. Wessels swessels at one.net
Sat Apr 27 15:01:54 UTC 2002

I did something like that in the enhanced IRC client for Squeak to support
nick completion.  When the user started to type letters and then typed the
TAB key I quickly scanned through the nicks of other members on that IRC
channel and then started stepping the user through any possible matches.

You might be able to adopt something from that code, although it was part of
a larger scheme to handle other input "oddities" too.  Have a look through
the code associated with PluggableInterceptingTextMorph and how it was used.

I'd published an update to the mailing list recently but you can also find
the code here: http://w3.one.net/~swessels/pages/steve/squeak/index.html

Hope that helps.

 - Steve

On 4/27/02 12:22 AM, "Ross Boylan" <RossBoylan at stanfordalumni.org> wrote:

> Is there a morphic widget that will attempt to complete a field as you
> type it in?  In other word, it has a list of possible values, and as
> you type letters it shows the first one that matches.  You can keep
> typing to refine the selection.
> Refinements might include a dropdown list of all the values, and also
> an option that would either permit or deny entry of values not in the
> list.

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