Morphic slowness (was Re: Does *anyone* use MVC?)

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at
Sat Aug 3 06:49:15 UTC 2002


However please look at the preamble to update 4851, which fixed a 
couple of pernicious problems with morphic pop-up menus.  The change 
you suggest undoes the fix listed as (2) in that preamble.

To see the bug, try a quick click on open desktop, near the right 
edge of the screen, both with and without your change.

Now if we could only have the speed gain without the recrudescence of 
the bug...


   -- Scott

At 1:34 AM -0500 8/3/02, gjjrs0somx001 at (Tim Olson) wrote:
>...OK, I think I found the problem.  When we pop up a system menu in 
>response to a mousedown, the menu gets built (with position 0 at 0), 
>then we call:
>	MenuMorph>>popUpAt:forHand:in:allowKeyboard:
>This method adds the MenuMorph to the world, starts stepping on it, 
>then after that positions it relative to the cursor.  This causes 
>some damage rectangles to be added at the World origin, and many 
>times this gets coalesced with other real damage rects into a very 
>big damage rectangle.
>If instead we first position the MenuMorph, then add it to the 
>World, the spurious damage rectangle problems go away, and the menu 
>seems to come up quicker.
>[see attached fileIn, which positions the menu before adding it to the world]
>	-- Tim Olson

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