Embedding Morphs into a SytemWindow

Jim Rosenberg jr at amanue.com
Mon Aug 5 02:11:52 UTC 2002

> Are you thinking about "Extras/put in a window"?

Hmm. I must be thinking about *something* besides "embed into". There was 
some *simple manueuver* I did that would put a morph into a window sized to 
the morph. In effect it created the window frame around the morph. Now I 
can't remember how I did this.

I can see "embed into" seems to give me choices based on what kinds of 
morphs the morph is on top of.

I'm not seeing "put in a window" in my extras menu -- how do I get that to 
show up?

 Jim Rosenberg                      http://www.well.com/user/jer/
     WELL: jer
     Internet: jr at amanue.com

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