Swiki pollution...

Michael Roberts mike at mjr104.co.uk
Fri Aug 23 15:07:20 UTC 2002

On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 08:28:01AM -0400, Mark Guzdial wrote:
> On Friday, August 23, 2002, at 05:02  AM, goran.hultgren at bluefish.se 
> wrote:
> > Ok guys, what are we going to do with all the "pollution" on the Swiki?
> >
> > And now I am NOT talking about MP3 uploads etc - that is actually a
> > rather harmless problem, I am talking about clueless people using it for
> > completely other things than Squeak:
> >
> > http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2583
> >
> > (This one I sortof stumbled over because of the name...)
> >
> If you only stumbled across it, is it really such a problem?  If people 
> put up things related to Squeak, or decide to try out the Swiki in the 
> Squeak Swiki, is that a big deal?

One of the things that I find great about the Swiki is the 'recent' page which I can check for new content.  I think it's a shame that a lot of the correction that goes on to keep the swiki 'clean' detracts from the usefulness of this page - it's often just rollbacks.  I'm not sure if there is a simple way to solve this?

There are at least two threads to the 'non' squeak related content.  There's the uploading of mp3's, gifs etc which just seems to be a graffiti of sorts.  Then there are those using the swiki for forms of collaborative work like the blue fish/red fish etc.

During the last time this thread was active on this list I emailed one of the guys who had left an email on one of his collaborative style (non-squeak) pages.  He wasn't related to the blue fish thing as it happened.  He was really apologetic and had just thought that it was a reasonable thing to do.  He had got bored with it and had left it stagnate.  That's when I added the acceptable use page to the swiki - which is really just a token effort.

I noticed on BSS a project containing exactly the fish images so I think this is people genuinely trying to do collaborative work of some sort.  It's these people we would want to encourage and that leaves the question where they should play?  We need to make sure that we don't beat them up if they are have genuine intentions - especially as end users!

As for removing the files I was starting to write some squeak code to figure out which files in the upload area weren't associated with the references in the swiki pages.  If anyone already knows how to solve this, this would be great! I'm only a wee beginner though, so I'm learning this as I go along.


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