
Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Thu Aug 29 00:59:57 UTC 2002

Stephan Rudlof <sr at evolgo.de> wrote:
	I see one real problem here, though: In VisualWorks?
	NonCommercial, Release 5i.1 the following does *not* work:
	| coll |
	coll := #(1 2 3) asOrderedCollection.
	coll removeAll: coll.
	I think compatibility is important just here!
Eh?  You think BUG-compatibility is important?
Look, StarMorph new openInWorld _also_ doesn't work in VisualWorks;
does that mean we shouldn't let it work in Squeak?

	Introducing an assertion, which makes the implicit precondition explicit
	though, doesn't hurt compatibility.
Yes it does.  If (coll removeAll: coll) quietly succeeds in VW
but reports an error in Squeak, that is even *less* compatible than
making it produce the right answer.

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