c correction (was: cloning/invocation)

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at merlintec.com
Thu Aug 29 20:44:39 UTC 2002

I wrote:

> You have to properly initialize the stack frame. How do you do that?
> By copying some values from the code or some other area.
>           int foo ( char c ) {
>                 int count = 0; max = 99;
>                 while ( count < max ) { .... }
>           }
> Some initial code in "foo" must copy 0 and 99 to the right places on
> the stack.

Most people on this list probably aren't interested in the fine details 
of C semantics, but after I sent the above it started to look strange 
to me so I made a quick test and found I was wrong.

For dynamic variables, initializer expressions are just a short hand for 
code to execute the implied assignment and the expression is *not* 
evaluated at compile time. So

     int gg = 12;

    void foo() { int total = gg*2; ...... }

    main() { foo(); gg = 45; foo(); ... }

will use the value of "gg" at the time foo is invoked, unlike what I had 
stated. What I wrote is correct for static variables, so this is a case 
of same syntax but two different semantics. I guess this makes sense in 
practice as we could "#define gg 12" to get the effect of evaluating 
the expression at compile time.

-- Jecel

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