What happened to DVS refresh button?

Stephen Pair spair at acm.org
Tue Dec 3 19:54:54 UTC 2002

Avi Bryant wrote:
> Well, if you file in new packages via the Load button instead 
> of through the file list, you don't need to refresh button 
> (and you get the added advantage that the directory path is 
> set for you).

How about adding code like the following to register a package on

"Register the DVS package"
| dir currentContext |
currentContext _ thisContext.
[currentContext home receiver class == StandardFileStream] 
  whileFalse: [currentContext _ currentContext sender].
dir _ (currentContext home receiver) directory.
Smalltalk at: #FilePackageManager ifPresent: 
	[:p | (p registerPackage: '<package name>') directory: dir]!

This would get the correct directory path for the .  It's a little hacky
I admit, but it works (I got this from Craig's Flow installer).  A
better solution would be to have the file-in mechanism bind some
variable (like self) to a file-in manager or something (similar to the
SAR installer)...from there you could get at the file name (and path).

Also, why not make #registerPackage: notify any open Package UIs?  You
could use a loosely coupled dependency mechanism (to avoid creating an
un-necessary code dependency).

- Stephen

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