[Q] Form>>extent:fromArray:offset:

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Tue Dec 3 21:12:33 UTC 2002


On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 21:54:08 +0100 Chris Burkert <christian.burkert at s2000.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
>It's about the expected array. I tried:
>Cursor extent: 16 at 16 fromArray: #(2r1111111111111111) offset: 0 at 0.
>Everything was painted black.
>After that I tried:
>Form extent: 16 at 16 fromArray: #(2r1111111111111111) offset: 0 at 0.
>Nothing was painted.

Compare the comments for the two implementors of #extent:fromArray:offset:

Form -
	"Answer an instance of me of depth 1 with bitmap initialized from anArray."

Cursor -
	"Answer a new instance of me with width and height specified by
	extentPoint, offset by offsetPoint, and bits from anArray.
	NOTE: This has been kluged to take an array of 16-bit constants,
	and shift them over so they are left-justified in a 32-bit bitmap"

So, in the Cursor, your 1111... got shifted into the part of the word that mattered for a 16-bit wide 1-bit deep form producing the black you were looking for. In the Form, your data ended in the unused lower 16 bits and was white.

>What I simply want, is a Form that is build like the Cursor, but 
>variable in size. In this case it should only be black and white, but 
>what if I want it colored ?

Well, #extent:fromArray:offset: does something like this...

	^ (self extent: extentPoint depth: 1)
		offset: offsetPoint;
		initFromArray: anArray

	(Form extent: 16 at 16 depth: 32)
		offset: 0 at 0;
		initFromArray: #(255 65280);

generates something with alternating blue and treen stripes.


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