Matrix, Array2D and SequenceableCollection

Brent Pinkney brent_pinkney at
Wed Dec 4 23:19:23 UTC 2002


Short story:
1. Array2D must go.
2. Matrix must be a SequenceableCollection
3. We need a new subclass of SequenceableCollection:

Long story:
I have been following the following the demise of
Array2D and the birth of Matrix with glee as I need a
decent table functionality.

A major problem with Array2D, as pointed dout on this
list,  is that any matrix thing is not two dimensional
- only the subscript space is. Further, the name and
the interface stink. It should go away.

I have also been fiddling with Magma. It comes to pass
that Magma doesn't like to play with Matrix.

On further investigation, Magma was absolved of all
guilt - I can make my own Matrix class which works

But, the present implementation of Matrix is also
flawed in that a matrix IS sequential - after all row
major is an ordering. This is why is has to lie in

However it is not implemented as a  subclass of
SequenceableCollection becuase it would then inherit a
truck load of methods to do with copying sub-ranges:
e.g. #copyFrom:to: and friends.

It also has to reimplement a bucket load of methods to
pretend it is sequenceable.

IMHO the situation should be:

            SubSequenceableCollection     NB!!!!!

Then if the offending methods are moved down to
SubSequenceableCollection, all is well.

Regrettably, one cannot change the hierarchy of the
collection classes - too dangerous apparently. I
suspect something to do with the special objects

If anyone knows how to do this, let me know and I will
test it.

I am awarding myself a beer in advance.



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