[ANN] NetModel 0.004 on SM

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Fri Dec 6 21:41:18 UTC 2002

On Friday 06 December 2002 12:28 pm, David Faught wrote:
> Netmodel is a simple modeling tool for data networks.  See the
> SqueakMap descriptions for more.

Nice. I always like to see Connectors-based projects.
Some Connectors-related tips that you may already know, but others may 

You can make labels appear automatically on your NetCircuits by going 
to their flap buttons, getting the context menu and doing:

button/change action selector        startWiringLabeled:
button/change argument             '1 gb LAN'

(or you could define startWiringLabeled as:
	self startWiringLabeled: self externalName

Your drawings might look better if your NetCircuits would connect to 
the nearest point to the center, rather than the nearest attachment 
point. This can be done on either end:

(directly) context menu at each end of NetCircuit, choose "end/connect 
to nearest point to center"

or in your NetHost initialization:
	self preferredConnection: #connectToNearestPoint

or in your NetCircuit initialization:
	self preferredEndConnection: #connectToNearestPoint

You don't have to use NCBasicShapeMorph as a superclass to use 
Any Morph will accept connections.
So you could have used (for instance) a RectangleMorph, or an 
or a SketchMorph, or whatever.

The SketchMorph (or NCSketchMorph, which plays better with the 
APAdjuster) is a good choice for snazzy looking shapes that just sit 
there, or you can add submorphs for interactivity.

Ned Konz

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