
Ted Vinke teddy at
Mon Dec 9 18:12:23 UTC 2002

Hi all,

I've got a few remarks about the Nebraska in Squeak 3.2-4956:

1) While trying to execute the code to run a NebraskaServer programmatically
(as described on

| server |server := NebraskaServer new.
server startListeningOnPort: 9091.
(NebraskaServerMorph new server: server) openInWorld.

two MessageNotUnderstood errors are reported. The first one is about
'extent' which (I think) can be traced to the line:

world extent: newExtent.

in the NebraskaServer extent:depth message. Anyone knows how to solve it
besides putting it between comments?

2) If I do comment out that lines, the next message not understood is
'server' which I think should be in NebraskaServerMorph. After adding the
following message to NebraskaServerMorph:

server: aServer
 self world remoteServer: aServer

it says it somehow doesn't know 'remoteServer' which is strange, since it
*is* known in the NebraskaServerMorp message

 ^self world remoteServer

Hmm, changing it to

server: aServer
 server := aServer

does work.

The question: I'm a not using the latest Squeak version here or are these
errors caused by something else? If this are bugs that need fixing, where
can this be reported and who's going to fix it in what version?

3) Other Nebraska question: when starting a server via the "Share" button
and starting a client via a EToySenderMorph all is ok, but the client's
mousecursor keeps displaying '???' on the server screen. The page above
mentioned webpage says, this is because there is no 'badge' on the server
representing the client. What Morph do I have to use for that? I can't seem
to use a EToySenderMorph again, because that would be wrong I think.

4) When dropping Morphs on the EToySenderMorph or on the mini screen (in
which the server world is displayed) a message "Got it!" appears for a quick
second, but what has actually happened? Is this the way a Morph from the
client, could be transported to the server world? If so, how can I access
the transported morph on the other side? If not, how can this be achieved?

Anyone does know some answers to these questions? I wasn't sure if I should
have posted them on the "New Squeakers Questions" page.

Ted Vinke

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