Which plugins?

PhiHo Hoang phiho.hoang at rogers.com
Wed Dec 11 01:42:09 UTC 2002


> What are the tradeoffs pro/con of using
> MobVM vs. the standard VM?

    As I see it, the disadvantage in using MobVM are:

    1/- It takes more disk space.

    2/- It is somewhat slower if you use separate InterpreterPlugin,
        ObjectMemoryPlugin and PrimitivesPlugin

    3/- Not as much field tested as the standard VM.

    The advantages are:

    1/- It takes less disk space, smaller foot print at run time if you
        need only a subset of the bundled plugins buitlin the standard VM.

    2/- More flexible you can run both VI3 and VI4 with MobVM.
        Other image formats should be easily accomodated..

    3/- MobVM is supposedly 100% compatible with the standard VM.
        It can do anything that the standard VM can do, but not the other

    4/- It's easier to maintain and innovate.
        The work load can be easily distributed, because it is very modular.

    Actually, you and others should try both MobVM and
    the standard VM and let us know what you think.



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