Template mechanisms...

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Thu Dec 12 22:11:43 UTC 2002

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Adrian Lienhard wrote:

> I think this idea would be a really good approach. It's quite simple and
> will work in 90% of the (my) cases.
> If Avi's idea could be implemented, it would really be nice. The reminding
> 10 or 20% of special cases ("every 9th row has an image") would not be a too
> big disadvantage or problem, I think.

Well, I'll make you a deal - if you write the test cases (of the form
"self assertContentHtml: '...' mergedWithDesignHtml: '...' yieldsHtml:
'...'"), I'll try to make them pass. :)


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