Tail Call

Jesse Welton jwelton at pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu
Fri Feb 1 21:10:22 UTC 2002

Scott A Crosby wrote:
> Also, for the interface, how about using the typical call/cc interface?
> Have a method, somewhere, called 'callCC"
> callCC: aBlock
>   aBlock value: [BlockClosure asContinuation]
> Which calls the requested block on the continuation into this method? This
> would allow basically straightforward ports of any other call/cc code to
> squeak.

Call/cc is a way of applying the argument function to the current
continuation.  As such, it seems (as with #value:) that #callCC would
be a method sent to the block.

    ^self value: thisContext continuation

Example usage:

  retryCount := [:cont | retry := [cont value: retryCount+1]. 0] callCC.


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