[ALL] Stop talking....do it

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Wed Feb 6 21:10:44 UTC 2002

on 6/02/02 3:56 PM, Cees de Groot at cg at home.cdegroot.com wrote:

> Stephane Ducasse <ducasse at iam.unibe.ch> said:
>> So I started to see some projects moving on so this is good, but I think
>> that we should move faster. So when is the deadline for having a war plan
>> for SqF? Should we propose some budgeted actions? Who is responsible for
>> that?
> The war plan is that before we accept money, we incorporate SqF so that
> there is an entity to send the money to. The deadline for setting up SqF
> has been self-imposed by Dan and accepted by the rest and is in June
> (I would have to dig into the archives to see whether it was June 1 or
> June 30, I think the former).
> Incorporating is a tedious task.
I looked at the Squeak foundation site but "incorporating" means what
looking at the chaordic definitions and steps.?

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