Support code structure (was RE: [Slightly OT] Source code management)

Steve Elkins sgelkins at
Thu Feb 7 10:23:50 UTC 2002

Tim Rowledge <tim at> writes:

> "Andreas Raab" <Andreas.Raab at> is claimed by the authorities to have written:
> > My (more psychological) "problem" with this structure is that it doesn't
> > go together at all with my working style.
> [snip]
> > It eats up my short-term memory chunks just to remember those
> > directories (six of them so it's full ;-) whereas in my current
> > structure I can just play "trial and error" (using Emacs and ensuring
> > there's always at least one window on win32 and one on generated) and
> > concentrate on solving the problem.
> So it sounds to me like you _really_ need to use a decent tool that
> can help you remember all this complication, yes? If you can't be
> persuaded to use something less antediluvian than emacs (yes, yes, my
> tongue is firmly in my cheek, and I have my fireproof underwear on
> ready for the emacs fanclub) then I'm sure somebody expert in using it
> (I was, once upon a time but I managed to give it up, to the
> considerable benefit to my remaining sanity) should be able to offer
> suggestions on more efficient navigation. I do have vague memories of
> emacs being reasonably good at that.

Sorry to butt in, but you jerked one of my chains.  Emacs drives me
crazy, too, but I still use it.  I'm not an expert, it's just another
one of the big code balls in my life.

Andreas, if you haven't tried it, I wonder if the Speedbar, which is
available from the Tools menu, would help with the navigational
issues.  It opens in a separate frame and gives the usual tree view of
a directory structure, as well as a tree view of files it understands.
So there's a leaf in the tree for each C function.  I stumbled across
it in 20.7 and it's still there in 21.1, which I just started using.


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