[ENH][FIX] Misc enhancements and fixes

Scott A Crosby crosby at qwes.math.cmu.edu
Thu Feb 7 23:13:19 UTC 2002

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Tim Rowledge wrote:

> Scott, I would strongly recommend that you break up suggested changes a
> little more; it's much easier to review and harvest things that way.
> Which means much more chance of good stuff getting into the image.

Most of them are simple trivial and independent changes.

I could break it up into 7 independent changesets on class boundaries,
but.. I've got 15 changesets I'm organizing for release. 10-12 of them
either reccomended or required for fulltext. [*]

Breaking it up would result in ~22 changesets released at once. 13-16
reccomended or required for fulltext.

I thought that that would add far more confusion than benefit, especially
for those who just want to test out fulltext.

But if you think its still a good idea, I'll do it.


[*] The core is only 3 changesets, but the enhancements elsewhere are

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