Process local variable and debugging

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at
Mon Feb 11 22:08:08 UTC 2002

Tim Rowledge <tim at> wrote:
> I was thinking of working around the problem by making it more of the
> form
> 	thisContext process

This is exactly what I use in the BC version.  An ActiveFrame (ie.
MethodContext) has a pointer to its stack which has a pointer to its
process so it is quick.  'thisContext process' works in the debugger or
when a process is being simulated, etc.  I also keep track of which
process is simulating another process so suspend/resume will
suspend/resume the simulator, and so two process won't try to step
through the same process at the same time (locking).

I also implemented #process on ContextPart in the standard image so I
can simulate BC.  Its implementation is:

	"Return my process"

	self = thisContext sender ifTrue: [^ Processor activeProcess].
	^ self findProcess

I did not bother to implement findProcess though, which would require
searching all processes for the one that is pointing to self via its
sender chain.


PS. Can anyone think of a better class name than ActiveFrame, which
replaces MethodContext/BlockContext.  An ActiveFrame refers to an
activation record (frame) on the process stack, and is only created on
thisContext.  The frame's method can be a regular method or a block
method; BlockClosures have their own methods.

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