[Q] Running some Smalltalk code when opening a project

Hannes Hirzel hirzel at spw.unizh.ch
Tue Feb 12 14:59:31 UTC 2002


I'd like to run some Smalltalk code, when a project opens.

In Project>enter: returningFlag revert: revertFlag
saveForRevert: saveForRevert

there is a call

world triggerOpeningScripts

and the variable 'world' is a PasteUpMorph.

There the code is

	"If the receiver has any scripts set to run on opening, run them
	| aPlayer |
	(aPlayer _ self player) ifNotNil:
		[aPlayer runAllOpeningScripts]

But I don't have a player defined. How do I do that?

I'd like to run a different script for most of my Project instances.

Hannes Hirzel

P.S. I'll put the anser on the Project Swiki note page

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