should Character override shallowCopy?

Doug Way dway at
Tue Feb 19 00:36:26 UTC 2002

Chris Muller wrote:
> Squeak answers false to:
>   $a shallowCopy == $a
> and is causing me some porting pain right now.
> shallowCopy was overridden for the other atomics;
> SmallIntegers, Booleans, the UndefinedObject and
> Symbols, but not Characters.
> Also, other Smalltalks override it for Behavior as
> well, which probably makes sense for the 99.9% case,
> and would also make my life happier right now.

I notice that VisualWorks returns true for "$a shallowCopy == $a", and other atomics in Squeak also return true (such as "3 shallowCopy == 3").

It sounds like a reasonable change to me, so I'd recommend submitting an [FIX]/[ENH] change.

> Harvesters, are these changes appropriate for Squeak?

Hey, the Harvesters aren't necessarily the only people who are qualified to answer this, so it's better to direct these types of questions to the whole community (which you have done). :-)

- Doug Way, a harvester guy
  dway at

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