One more Win32 programming question for OSProcess

David T. Lewis lewis at
Tue Feb 26 13:08:57 UTC 2002

Sorry to pollute the Squeak list with this, but I need some
help on Win32 anonymous pipes:

In CommandShell, when running with OSProcess, I do a lot
of IO to operating system pipes. In order to prevent hanging
the Squeak VM on a blocking read or write on an operating
system pipe, I set the pipe to nonblocking mode. On Unix, this
is done with a call to fcntl().

Is there an equivalent mechanism on Win32, in which I could set
the characteristics of a HANDLE on a Win32 anonymous pipe to cause
it to be nonblocking?

I suspect that the answer is no, but I thought I'd better ask
before implementing something dumb like a thread to wait on a
read or write to complete. Ugh, I'm sure that's going to end up
being the answer.


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