Array literals have changed?

Ken Causey ken at
Sat Jan 12 23:06:46 UTC 2002

OK, I'm beginning to think that I'm missing the obvious.  As mentioned
in a previous email I'm working through Guzdial's _Squeak OODMA_ and to
be more specific I'm working on Exercise 8 of Chapter 2 on page 47.  I'm
asked to implement a method switchOn that can be used like

#( ('a' [Transcript show: 'An a was input'])
   ('b' [Transcript show: 'A b was input']) )
   switchOn 'a'.

I believe that the Array literal above should result in an Array of 2
elements, each element being an Array of 2 elements (a String and a
BlockContext).  But...  What I end up with is an Array of 2 elements,
each element being an Array of 6 (yes six) elements.  To be most
specific when I inspect element 1 of the outer Array I get an array
composed of

1: 'a'
2: #[
3: #Transcript
4: #show:
5: 'An a was input'
6: #]

Is this correct behaviour?


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