[ENH][GOODIE] UnixFileDirectoryPlugin

Tim Rowledge tim at sumeru.stanford.edu
Tue Jan 15 00:55:47 UTC 2002

"David T. Lewis" wrote:
> UnixFileDirectoryPlugin provides a significant improvement in
> directory access speed on platforms with Posix style directory
> streams.
Nice start on a big problem. 

I like the idea of having a plugin version string - should be included
in all of them, but it could more easily be added to the string you get
when doing 'Smalltalk listLoadedModules'. Likewise, the presence of the
module is probably not a question you need to ask in normal usage since

	<primitive: 'blah' module: 'UnixFileDirectory'>
	^super entries

should cover the case for you.

Is there any way to speed up the checking for a particular file? The
current code finds the list of all files in a directory  (can be slow in
a big directory, like /etc or ~plonker/pics/hidefrommom/porno/wow ) and
then scans for it; it seems there ought to be a more primitive, faster

Glad you're still finding vmmaker useful; note that the SF repository
might be in a bad state right now since Lex was in the middle of
updating the unix platform stuff to use the improved directory structure
and the VMMaker-3-2-version4.cs from my website. Not sure if he got to
the end yet.


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