newbie question: Reading code difficulty.

CarlosIAm at CarlosIAm at
Wed Jan 16 22:45:31 UTC 2002

Hello all,
 I am trying to understand the code for PDA. In openAsMorphIn:win various 
PluggableListMorphs are created. In the first one 
PluggableListMorph on: self list: #peopleListItems
            selected: #peopleListIndex changeSelected: #peopleListIndex:
            menu: #peopleMenu: keystroke: #peopleListKey:from:)

I go to the peopleListItems -> ^ peopleList collect: [:p | p asListItem]

My Question: I fail to find where the peopleList instance variable is being 
initialized. The only method where that occurs is updatePeopleList and that 
is not called so far.

What am I missing here? Thanks in advance.

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