Time, a question to the mach-o os-x carbon users (3.2.1)

John M McIntosh johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com
Thu Jan 17 21:24:19 UTC 2002

Now it seems I got a note from a squeaker that let me know on his 
machine when he starts Squeak up a Time now or the clock morphic runs 
about 51 minutes slow as compared to what the Finder shows in the 
menu bar. Hint he is somewhere near
Boulogne Billancourt Cedex, FR

heh? if it was an hour diff, or he was in newfoundland well I could 
understand a time zone thing, but 51 minutes? So do I have another 
Squeaker or two who I suspect is running the french version of OS-X 
(10.1.2 btw) out there to see if they can recreate the problem? Let 
alone anyone else who can report werid Time values?

Now the macintosh C code which I bet is older than my 9 year old is.

int ioSeconds(void) {
	struct tm timeRec;
	time_t time1904, timeNow;

	/* start of ANSI epoch is midnight of Jan 1, 1904 */
	timeRec.tm_sec   = 0;
	timeRec.tm_min   = 0;
	timeRec.tm_hour  = 0;
	timeRec.tm_mday  = 1;
	timeRec.tm_mon   = 0;
	timeRec.tm_year  = 4;
	timeRec.tm_wday  = 0;
	timeRec.tm_yday  = 0;
	timeRec.tm_isdst = 0;
	time1904 = mktime(&timeRec);

	timeNow = time(NULL);

	/* Squeak epoch is Jan 1, 1901, 3 non-leap years earlier than 
ANSI one */
	return (timeNow - time1904) + (3 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60);

Under Unix we do

time_t convertToSqueakTime(time_t unixTime)
   unixTime+= localtime(&unixTime)->tm_gmtoff;
   unixTime+= ((daylight) * 60*60) - timezone;
# else
#  error: cannot determine timezone correction
# endif
   /* Squeak epoch is Jan 1, 1901.  Unix epoch is Jan 1, 1970: 17 leap years
      and 52 non-leap years later than Squeak. */
   return unixTime + ((52*365UL + 17*366UL) * 24*60*60UL);

/* returns the local wall clock time */
int ioSeconds(void)
   return convertToSqueakTime(time(0));

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com

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