[FYI] Java vs Squeak/Smalltalk

Gary McGovern gary.play at btopenworld.com
Fri Jan 18 02:01:06 UTC 2002

16/01/02 17:47:45, "Justin Walsh" <jwalsh at bigpond.net.au> wrote:

>Philosophically and Technically and, keeping concept IDE squarely in mind,
>St. is without a doubt, as close to perfect an IDE as it can possibly get.

I wouldn't agree with that. The direct manipulation / etoy / scripting can be taken much further I'm 
sure it will at one point (bearing in mind the objective of a Dynabook). And the method structure 
could be improved to show dependencies and sequences (my user experience having not written 
the methods).

(Not wishing to be flamed as no offense is intended)

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