Does the refactoring browser work?

Chris Muller afunkyobject at
Tue Jan 22 06:19:33 UTC 2002

Does anyone know how up-to-snuff the Refactoring
browser is for Squeak?

I've just installed it in my Squeak image.  I've used
it in VA and VW and really enjoyed some of its
refactorings but would like to get a feel from others
about its stability in Squeak.

I also liked the Smalllint tool, especially on
projects where we didn't have the QA-Code critic.  It
opened for me with "LintDialog open" but I as soon as
I tried to select anything (in any pane) it blew in
the RBParser, something about expecting a '|'.  Am I
missing something?

I really liked these tools, thanks in advance for
sharing your experiences.

 - Chris Muller

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