Quick Celeste & Full text search experiment

Bijan Parsia bparsia at email.unc.edu
Wed Jan 23 05:54:38 UTC 2002

Ok, I'm *not* going to rave.

Ok, yes I am.

If you can get an inspector on your MailDB, the following code is sorta

di _ DocumentIndex withAdaptor: (SimpleIndexAdaptor new).

(categoriesFile messagesIn: '1Sept-Oct2001') do: [:msgId|
di add: (self getText: msgId)].
"replace with a real category of your own"

di inspect

In a Celeste inspector:

	Time millisecondsToRun: [self filteredMessagesIn: '1Sept-Oct2001']

331! this is a particpant filter on about a thousand messages.

Then in the di inspector:

Time millisecondsToRun: [self anyOf: #(Bijan)]  


This is a *full text search*.

Time millisecondsToRun: [self anyOf: #(From)]  

Ok, I know there's some errors in there and I'm *sooo* tired, but this is
very promising.

Scott is way overstating memory use, I think, from an exchange we've had.

This rules.

Bijan Parsia.

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