pending mac VM 3.2.2

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Wed Jan 30 23:32:19 UTC 2002

Ok, here are the release notes for 3.2.2. The two major changes are 
memory mapping, and FFI support.

But I need another person or two to fiddle with the FFI interface to 
confirm it works as expected,
if anyone is interested they should email me. I expect, pending a few 
64 bit file io cleanup items to
post the VM later this week.

Mac VM 3.2.2 mach-o build for Carbon.
Jan 30th 2002

Still yet to do, in future versions.
Test drag and drop at startup time
Verify that file delete rename etc works on aliases, not the targets.

You will need mach-o os-x bundle plugins to work with this VM. 
example -> mpeg3Plugin.bundle.
Old carbon non-bundled plugins will not work.


a) AsyncFilePlugin.c Use global to remember security function entry 
point for performance reasons
b) FilePlugin.c	Use global to remember security function entry point 
for performance reasons
c) interp.c Use squeakFileOffsetType versus off_t and add a bunch of 
checks to handle lack of long long and conversion errors between 
64/32 bit integers and LargeInteger objects
d) readme, it's
e) SocketPlugin.c	Use global to remember security function 
entry point for performance reasons
f) sq.h added default sqFilenameFromStringOpen and sqTruncate
g) sqFilePluginBasicPrims.c revert to ansi specs, but ensure #def to 
fseeko and ftello for 64 bit aware file systems.
h) sqMacDirectory.c A bit more error checking on bad file names
i) sqMacFileLogic.c Folders size is now zero in classic, and a bit 
more checking on bad file names
j) sqMacSound.c Fixed a problem with sound recording in classic due 
to a change made in Sept. But sound recording still does not work 
under os-x
k) sqMacWindow.c  two very important changes:

	1) You can now do FFI calls with the FFI bundle plugin to 
Mach-o frameworks.
	However you need to rework your api calls. For example:
	apiGetMousePoint: aMacPoint was
	<apicall: void 'GetMouse' (MacPoint*) module:'InterfaceLib'>
	It now is:
	<apicall: void 'GetMouse' (MacPoint*) module:'Carbon.framework'>

	If you review /System/Library/Frameworks I'm sure you can 
come up with interesting ways to
	make mac only squeak images.

	I now use mmap( NULL, gMaxHeapSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, 
	anonymous memory mapping to 512MB as the squeak memory block. 
The VM can then grow or shrink
	within the 512MB block, I just move a pointer.

	Note in 3.2.1 a slight error on my part restricted Squeak to 
50MB. I am of course
	interested to hear about issues with my choice of 512MB. Note 
a Squeak VM is limited to 2GB under perfect
	conditions, however if any part of the image crosses the 2GB 
boundary the VM will fail, right now 512MB
	seemed a safe choice.

  	PhysMem:  60.2M wired, 78.6M active,  412M inactive,  551M 
used,  217M free
	VM: 3.03G + 55.3M   7847(0) pageins, 1(0) pageouts  
	422 Squeak VM    0.8%  0:35.59   2    71   100  23.3M  8.53M 
26.5M   571M

	but I only have one 80,000,000 byte swap file in /var/vm

Note if you turn crash reporter on, then if the VM crashes a nice 
report should be generated in your log directory.  See the Apple 
documentation for a description of this feature, currently it is set 
in OS-X 10.1.x via the preferences window for the Console 
Application. If you have a crash with this VM, please recreate and 
post the crash log (found in Users/foobar/Library/Logs/ to the Squeak 
mailing list so we can continue to make the VM fault tolerant.

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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