Where is update info?

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Fri Jul 5 01:07:35 UTC 2002

At 4:43 PM -0700 7/4/02, Ross Boylan wrote:
>Scott Wallace's warning of June 30 referred to update 4897, but the
>last update announcement I can find (June 14, also from Scott) lists
>4889 as the last update.  This is also the last update in my image.
>Is there somewhere I can find info on more recent updates before
>filing them in?  By that, I mean somewhere other than reading the raw
>updates :).

Hi, Ross

Yes, it does appear that the summaries for the updates that got 
freshly added for 3.2gamma3 never were circulated.  So here they are 
now.  Note that 4890 and 4891 were for 3.3a only, which explains why 
they are not in this list.


4892resourceColorFix-raa -- Bob Arning -- 23 June 2002
When loading resource Forms, do NOT discard color table information. 
It was only with the advent of update 4878 that this became an issue."

4893statusGlitch-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 26 June 2002
Fixes a significant glitch in update 4887 that could lead to 
unpredictable and sometimes bizarre interactions when an object had 
more than one script that was paused or ticking."

4894assertFIX-md -- Marcus Denker -- 22 December 2001
fixes a problem building the LargeIntegers Plugin on MacOS X by 
renaming assert:
to sqAssert:"

4895TIPlugin-cleanup-sr -- Stephan Rudlof -- 24 December 2001
Precondition: [FIX] assert: LargeIntegers (assertFIX-md.1.cs.gz), 
since it changes a method there.
Some cleanups:
LargeIntegersPlugin>>debugCode moved to Object, since it is a general 
feature available for TestInterpreterPlugins. Comment explaining the 
functionality added.
LargeIntegersPlugin>>sqAssert moved to TestInterpreterPlugin, since 
it has general functionality. Code simplified.
TestInterpreterPlugin class: one more translation method for comfort.
LargeIntegersTest: one simple test method for simulation of the plugin."

4896CheckInterruptOften-JMM -- John M McIntosh -- 16 April 2002
Ask the mac VM, and perhaps other VMs to check for interrupts every 
3ms versus 5ms. This gives better accuracy for Delay"

4897CheckForDelayJMM -- John M McIntosh -- 6 May 2002
Tamper with idleProcess so that the 
relinquishProcessorForMicroseconds: is capped at 1 second and an 
attempt is made to make the time we sleep equal to the time until the 
next active Delay. VM should wake up early if a user or network event 
occurs. Thus CPU usage should go down, and Delay accuracy should go 


4899sndPlugComments-ls -- Lex Spoon -- 28 April 2002
Updates three sound-related comments regarding sound data formats"

4900newClassComments-gh -- Göran Hultgren -- 2 May 2002
As a crusader for more class comments this changeset has comments for 
Month, AssertionFailure and AttemptToWriteReadOnlyGlobal. Hey, I take 
the harder ones later... :-). One trivial class method also added in 
Month for instance creation."


4902cursorComments-ls -- Lex Spoon -- 17 June 2002
Comments and method categorization for Cursor and CursorWithMask"

4903identityComments-ls -- Lex Spoon -- 15 June 2002
Adds comments to various IdentityFoo classes."

4904fcbInfoPane-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 24 June 2002
Two fixes regarding the 'info' pane of a file contents browser:
(1) Don't show green 'diffs' feedback in the info pane of the 
(2) Don't bother prompting for save-changes-before-closing if a 
file-contents-browser is dismissed when there unaccepted edits in the 
info pane."

4905processorSchedRevert -- Andreas Raab; published by Scott Wallace 
-- 30 June 2002
Emergency workaround: reverts a method changed in update 4897.
The postscript contains a do-it from Andreas that attempts to patch things up."


   -- Scott
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