[BUG][3.2gamma] HTTPSocket httpShowJpeg: locks up image

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Tue Jul 9 21:26:58 UTC 2002

On Tuesday 09 July 2002 12:01 pm, Brent Vukmer wrote:
> The following code, executed in a Workspace in a copy of the
> 3.2gammma5 image, is causing the image to lock up: HTTPSocket
> httpShowJpeg:
> 'http://www.perl.com/supersnail/images/small/sm_os5_r12_0602_w1_sma
>ll.jpg', .
> Debugging shows the perl.com server is returning a 302-redirect
> response to the GET-request built by HTTPSocket  httpGetDocument:
> url args: args accept: mimeType request: requestString
> I can browse to URL, and wget likes it just fine ... What's
> bothering HTTPSocket ?

Actually, it doesn't lock up. It just looks like it locks up,
because it gets into a redirect loop: to the same URL!.
This is the sign of a broken web site. However, we should detect redirection
to the same URL (or redirect loops in general!)

More interestingly, the response is a 200 for the request that wget sends.
This is the Squeak dialog:

GET /supersnail/images/small/sm_os5_r12_0602_w1_small.jpg HTTP/1.0
ACCEPT: text/html
User-Agent: Squeak 1.31
Host: www.perl.com:80

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 21:23:34 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.26 (Unix)
Location: http://www.perl.com/supersnail/images/small/sm_os5_r12_0602_w1_small.jpg
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

<TITLE>302 Found</TITLE>
The document has moved <A HREF="http://www.perl.com/supersnail/images/small/sm_os5_r12_0602_w1_small.jpg">here</A>.<P>
<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.26 Server at www.perl.com Port 80</ADDRESS>

Ned Konz

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