[ANN] [UPDATES] 20 updates for 3.3a

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Sun Jul 28 00:59:11 UTC 2002

Here are the preambles for twenty updates for Squeak 3.3a that have 
recently been released to the external 3.3a update stream.


    -- Scott


4915resourceColorFix-raa -- Bob Arning -- 23 June 2002
Republished 7/7/02 sw to the 3.3a update stream, with preamble updated.
When loading resource Forms, do NOT discard color table information. 
It was only with the advent of update 4859 (3.3a) that this became an 

4916dupKeys-nk -- Ned Konz -- 11 July 2002
A persuasive argument was made by David Farber to allow duplication 
of Ctrl and Alt keys.
This adds a preference called 'duplicateControlAndAltKeys' that does 
just that. You can still just swap the keys if you want.
Per Doug Way's suggestion, this also changes the default keys to swap to be:
  $c . $x . $v . $a . $s . $f . $g . $z
x (cut)
c (copy)
v (paste)
a (select all)
s (save)
f (find)
g (find again)
z (undo)
And (unlike the original change set) this will maintain existing 
Preference settings when installed.
The two preferences are mutually exclusive; setting one will reset the other.
One small manual correction made in the Postscript by Scott Wallace 7/11/02.

4917dupNavBar-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 11 July 2002
Removes the old navigator bar on reloaded projects if the current 
image requests suppression of the navbar."

4918loadEToys-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 11 July 2002
Removes barriers to loading etoys into 3.3.  Caution: this update is 
for 3.3 only."

4919reportFullStack-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 19 July 2002
In the error report, print out the short form of *all* stack frames 
in the same 'rcvr(class) >> selector' format, after printing out the 
long form of the first four stack frames.  This makes the entire 
compact summary available in a single, readable tableau.  Formerly, 
the first four stack frames did not appear in the compact summary."

4920flapTuning-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 19 July 2002
* Gives explicit object-names to the etoy flaps (Supplies & 
Navigator) so that they show up in the morph halo that way, per 
request from Kim Rose.
* Makes the Navigator shrink-wrapped, as per prescription from Andreas."

4921scriptParameters-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 20 July 2002
Allows any user-defined etoy script to have a parameter.
To add a parameter, invoke 'add parameter' from Scriptor or Viewer menu.
Change parameter *type* from the Scriptor header, using up/down 
arrows or clicking for menu.
Obtain a parameter tile by dragging from the parameter position in 
the Scriptor header.
Caution: This applies to 'classic tiles' only.  'Universal tiles' are 
not handled by this work.
Note: the following is a hand-jimmied class-definition for 
ParameterTile to make it ok both on 3.2 and 3.3"

4922paramFixups-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 22 July 2002
*  Fixes a glitch in backing out of renaming a script -- we had not 
been allowing the user to retain an existing name if it had a colon 
in it.
*  If you change a parameter type in such a manner that it introduces 
a type error for any tile phrases in the script that called for the 
parameter when it was a different type, the tiles fix themselves up 
to keep everything type-rosy.
*  Adds a menu item to TilePad's halo menu allowing you to restore 
the default literal tile for the particular type.  This allows you, 
albeit somewhat obscurely, to revert a Parameter tile to a plain 
numeric tile, for example."

4923optionalLexiconPane-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 23 July 2002
Makes the custom Lexicon control buttons occupy a separate pane *in 
addition to* the one governed by the optionalButtons preference. 
Thus, if #optionalButtons is true, a Lexicon will have *two* rows of 
control buttons -- one offering the custom lexicon-specific 
navigation features and the other with the standard repertory of 
senders, implementors, etc, which had for space reasons previously 
had to be omitted from the Lexicon's touchable controls.
Also, fixes a seemingly-long-standing bug that appears to have made 
protocol browsers not work properly in mvc."

4924findA-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 23 July 2002
Consolidates the main work of six methods that service the various 
windows-menu 'find-a' requests (e.g. 'find a Transcript') into a 
single place.
One of these six is the newly added 'find a fileList', with cmd-L as 
its desktop-cmd-key shortcut."

4925fixAllCat-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 24 July 2002
Fix up methods that had '-- all --' as their home category"

4926versionBrowser-BG -- Boris Gaertner, Scott Wallace -- 25 July 2002
Fixes a glitch that caused the creation of a spurious concrete method 
category named '-- all --' when a method definition was reverted in a 
versions browser that had been originally launched from a browser 
that had had the '-- all --' category selected.
Note: Boris penetrated to the core of this bug, and then produced a 
fix on a Squeak 2.7 system; Scott integrated Boris's fix with the 
post-2.7 changes to the method, and did some further trimming."

4927condenseSources-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 25 July 2002
Because the presence of spurious concrete '-- all -- method 
categories breaks the condenseSources process, we now make a 
preemptive call to the method that fixes up all such errors before 
proceeding with the real work of condenseSources.  Thanks to Boris 
Gaertner for finding this problem."

4928chgSetForVersion-dew -- Doug Way -- 7 September 2001
Adds a 'find original change set' menu item for the Versions Browser, 
which locates the single changeset (or sources file) which originally 
contained the selected method version.  It does this by matching the 
file pointers stored in the ChangeRecord and ChangeSet."

4929parameterMenuIcon-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 27 July 2002
Use a black triangle as the type-menu icon on a parameter tile, as 
per suggestion from Alan."

4930fasterSlideToTrash-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 26 July 2002
When sliding large morphs to the trash, animate a thumbnail rather 
than the full-sized morph.  This speeds things up considerably."

4931versBrowsFix-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 27 July 2002
Fixes a glitch in update 4926 that only showed up when browsing 
versions of a method on the class side."

4932changeEnh-nk -- Ned Konz -- 26 June 2002
This adds an item to the ChangeSorter category menu that lets you 
make a change-set category with all the change sets that change a 
particular class."

4933changedOthersMethods-nk -- Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com> -- 30 March 2002
This adds a choice to the shifted change set menu in ChangeSorters 
and ChangeSetBrowsers (called 'check for any other authors') that 
will find any methods with historical versions that don't have your 
This can be used to find other people's code that you've modified."

4934chgSorterMisc-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 27 July 2002
* Adds check-for-uncommented-classes to the checks section of the 
shifted change-sorter menu.
* Adds cmd-hypen as kbd shortcut for subtract-other-side in the dual 
change sorter.
* Adds ClassListBrowser, a browser variant that shows the code for an 
arbitrary list of classes.   See class comment or browse class-side 
code for examples"

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