I want to do a Interpreter C, in Squeak

Noury Bouraqadi bouraqadi at ensm-douai.fr
Thu Jun 20 07:46:57 UTC 2002

Jose HG a écrit :
> I want  to do a Interpreter of C in squeak. I would like get
> information about the classes in the categories System-Compiler,
> VMConstruction-Interpreter or VMConstruction-Translation to C or
> another that you know, which I could use to implemmenting a
> Interpreter of C in Squeak.
> Thanks,
> Jose L.
For the squeak compiler I recommand you to read the excellent paper
'The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Smalltalk Compiler'
Vassili Bykov - Smalltalk Chronicles VOL 2, NO 1, MARCH 2000

Dr. Noury Bouraqadi
Ecole des Mines de Douai - Dept. G.I.P

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