at:put: in ST76 was Re: [GOODIE] Arithmetic assignments

Helge Horch Helge.Horch at
Fri Jun 21 10:46:37 UTC 2002

At 13:10 20.06.2002 -0700, Roger Whitney wrote:
>Does anyone recall what Smalltalk-76 used instead of at:put:

Well, I wasn't there, but from Appendix A of the classical
and other papers, I understand that St76 used a binary operator (that 
looked like a bullet) for #at:.  Furthermore, the leftarrow "_" was allowed 
to be the final part of a message pattern.  Imagine for a moment that "@" 
were the bullet, then Array had two methods

         Array >> @ index
and     Array >> @ index _ value

with selectors #@ and #@_ respectively.


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