Image growth

goran.hultgren at goran.hultgren at
Wed Jun 26 09:07:06 UTC 2002


se99011 at wrote:
> Hi there,
> I work on a 3.0 image with all fixes. I do some "trivial" development work (a banking system), working on about a dozen classes, using the Whisker browser, a workspace and a selector browser.
> After a week of work or so my image has grown in size _considerably_. Starting from the original 10 MB I'm now at 23 MB. Am I doing something wrong? I tried to garbageCollect a few times, but this only frees a few KB.

Hmmm, sounds strange. Are you playing around with globals? Have you
tried looking at:

MyClass allInstances size

...for your classes? Perhaps you have many more instances hanging around
than you know.
Oh, yes - try copying all your text in the workspace over to a new fresh
workspace and close the old one. Workspaces are "friendly" in that you
don't need to declare local variables, it creates it's own bindings
instead so it may be holding onto old instances too.

If you find more instances thatn you like this is a good one too:

PointerFinder on: myLittleInstance find why an instance is hanging around (it's chain of owners up to
the globals in Smalltalk)

regards, Göran

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