can current line be changed in debugger?

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Thu Jun 27 20:41:25 UTC 2002

Rob Whitfield write:
Is there a way to change the current line of execution within the
debugger?  For example, can I jump back a few lines to re-execute a section
of code?
You can restart from the same method or from some method previous to the
I suggest you can have a button ³DEBUG² and one method debug where you can
arbitrary set values and redirect the secuence of steps anywhere in your

debug _ SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'DEBUG';
                 target: self;
                 actionSelector: #debug;
                 position: 650 @ 450.
    self addMorphBack: carta.

variable1 := valueWhatIChoose1. ³set others variables same ³
self anotherMethod

Of course is valid if you have a front morph, but I suppose if you do Squeak
, do morphic too.

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