Smalltalk-72 [Was: threads]

Lex Spoon lex at
Fri Mar 1 00:48:35 UTC 2002

> > I couldn't agree more. Don't you think it might be useful to augment
> squeak by also providing 
> > a scripting language (sans-frameworks and image) that fit this bill?
> 	If no one is interested in this. I'll take it ;-)
> 	But I need advice from both of you from perspective of ST72 and
> SmallScript.
> 	What does it take to achieve this ? 
> 	I like to throw a script to Squeak and automagically rewarded
> with a FreeCell game without loading a frameowork/image.

People have nibbled at issues like this in the past.  Here are two Swiki
pages that are relevant:

	"FAQ: Squeak Executables"

	"Writing scripts"

If you just try to use Squeak in one of these ways, you will probably
find some rough edges very quickly!

Oh, you'll probably also be interested in
ProjectLauncher>>startUpAfterLogin, too, which is where command-line
arguments get processed inside Squeak.


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