Smalltalk-72 [Was: threads]

PhiHo Hoang phiho.hoang at
Sat Mar 2 02:33:28 UTC 2002

>>> I couldn't agree more. Don't you think it might be useful to augment
>>> squeak by also providing
>>> a scripting language (sans-frameworks and image) that fit this bill?
>> 	If no one is interested in this. I'll take it ;-)
>> 	But I need advice from both of you from perspective of ST72 and 
>> SmallScript.
>> 	What does it take to achieve this ?
>> 	I like to throw a script to Squeak and automagically rewarded
with a 
>> FreeCell game without loading a frameowork/image.

> People have nibbled at issues like this in the past.  Here are two
Swiki pages that are 
> relevant:

>	"FAQ: Squeak Executables"

>	"Writing scripts"

	Clearly these are from Squeak95 (?) perpective. :-)

> If you just try to use Squeak in one of these ways, you will probably
find some rough edges 
> very quickly!

	It comes as no surprise.

> Oh, you'll probably also be interested in
> ProjectLauncher>>startUpAfterLogin, too, which is where command-line
> arguments get processed inside Squeak.

	And the keywors were '(sans-frameworks and image)'. Of course
something is hidden under the sleight of hand of The Magician. ;-)

> -Lex

	Thanks for your pointer, anyway.



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