[BUG] Reparented projects won't delete properly

Brian Keefer mgomes21 at cox.net
Sat Mar 2 02:37:47 UTC 2002

1. On a fresh image, open 2 new projects in the root project. I'll call
them Tom and Jerry.
2. In Tom, set "accept drops".
3. grab a tile from Jerry's halo, and drop it into Tom.
4. Enter project Tom, and "give me this object" from the Jerry tile's red
5. Click Jerry's (X) to destroy it. It will disappear without asking "are
you sure?".
6. Go to the "Projects../Jump to project" menu. Jerry is still there.
7. Try to go to project Jerry, and the image stops responding to cmd-dot.
My linux VM will keep redrawing its X-window, but it seems otherwise

I think that Jerry can now be considered a legitamite zombie. Not only is
it somewhere between alive and dead, it has the hunger for

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